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Astronomy - Grades K-2

Astronomy lessons based on current Wisconsin state science standards. Free for Wisconsin teachers. Enjoy!

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Title: Little Astronomers – An Introductory Astronomy Curriculum for WI Schools

(Grades K-2)

Introduction: Welcome to "Little Astronomers," a fun and interactive astronomy curriculum for Wisconsin students in grades K-2! This curriculum is designed to spark curiosity and wonder about the universe while aligning with Wisconsin state science standards. Through hands-on activities, storytelling, and simple experiments, students will explore the basics of space, the Sun, the Moon, and the stars.

Unit 1: Looking at the Sky

Essential Questions:

  • What can we see in the sky during the day and at night?

  • How does the sky change over time?

Key Concepts:

  • The sky looks different at different times of the day.

  • The Sun provides light during the day.

  • The Moon and stars are visible at night.


  • Sky Watchers Journal: Students draw what they see in the sky during the day and at night over a week.

  • Day and Night Sorting Game: Using picture cards, students sort objects seen in the sky during the day vs. at night.

  • Star Story Time: Read a book about the night sky and discuss what students notice about stars.

Unit 2: The Sun and the Moon

Essential Questions:

  • Why is the Sun important?

  • How does the Moon change shape?

Key Concepts:

  • The Sun gives us light and warmth.

  • The Moon looks different over time because of its phases.

  • The Sun and Moon both appear to move across the sky.


  • Shadow Play: Students trace their shadows at different times of the day to observe how the Sun moves.

  • Moon Phase Art: Using white paint and black paper, students create different Moon phases.

  • Singing the Moon Song: Learn a fun song about the changing shapes of the Moon.

Unit 3: Exploring the Stars and Planets

Essential Questions:

  • What are stars and planets?

  • What makes Earth special?

Key Concepts:

  • Stars are big and far away.

  • Planets orbit the Sun.

  • Earth is our home and has air, water, and life.


  • Glowing Star Craft: Students create a glow-in-the-dark star picture to take home.

  • Planet Dance: Each child represents a planet and moves in a circle around a student playing the Sun.

  • Telescope Pretend Play: Make pretend telescopes and "look" at the stars and planets.

Unit 4: Astronaut Adventures

Essential Questions:

  • What do astronauts do?

  • How do we explore space?

Key Concepts:

  • Astronauts travel to space and explore.

  • Rockets help astronauts reach space.

  • We use telescopes and robots to learn more about space.


  • Astronaut Training Course: Set up an obstacle course to simulate space training.

  • Build a Rocket: Use recycled materials to create simple rocket models.

  • Watch a Space Launch Video: Show a short clip of a real rocket launch and discuss what happens.


Wisconsin Science Standards Alignment

Wisconsin Science Standard Corresponding Unit (Not an all-inclusive list)

SCI.ESS1.A.K: Patterns in the Sky Unit 1: Looking at the Sky

SCI.ESS1.A.1: The Sun, Moon, and Stars Unit 2: The Sun and the Moon

SCI.ESS1.B.1: Earth and Space Unit 3: Exploring the Stars and Planets

SCI.ETS1.A.K: Engineering and Design Unit 4: Astronaut Adventures


Conclusion: By the end of this curriculum, students will have a foundational understanding of the sky, the Sun, the Moon, stars, and space exploration. Let’s get ready to blast off into learning!


Teacher Guide and Answer Key

Unit 1: Looking at the Sky

  • What can we see in the sky during the day and at night?

    • Day: Sun, clouds, airplanes, birds

    • Night: Moon, stars, planets, sometimes meteors

  • How does the sky change over time?

    • The Sun moves across the sky during the day.

    • The Moon and stars appear to move at night.

    • Some stars and planets are visible only at certain times of the year.

Discussion Questions

  1. What are some things in the sky that we can see all the time?

  2. Why do you think the Sun looks like it moves across the sky?

  3. What do you think the sky looked like long ago before there were city lights

Unit 2: The Sun and the Moon

  • Why is the Sun important?

    • It gives us light and warmth.

    • It helps plants grow and gives us food.

  • How does the Moon change shape?

    • The Moon has different phases as it orbits the Earth.

  • Why does the Sun and Moon appear to move?

    • Because Earth is rotating.

Discussion Questions

  1. What would happen if the Sun disappeared for a day?

  2. Have you ever seen the Moon during the day? Why do you think that happens?

  3. How do we know the Sun is moving even though we don’t feel it?

Unit 3: Exploring the Stars and Planets

  • What are stars?

    • Big balls of hot gas that shine light.

  • What makes Earth special?

    • It has air, water, and life.

  • What do planets do?

    • They orbit the Sun.

Discussion Questions

  1. Why do stars look tiny if they are really big?

  2. If you could visit any planet, which one would you choose and why?

  3. How do scientists know what planets look like if they are so far away?

Unit 4: Astronaut Adventures

  • What do astronauts do?

    • Travel to space, explore planets, conduct experiments.

  • How do rockets help astronauts?

    • They carry astronauts and equipment into space.

  • What tools do we use to explore space?

    • Telescopes, satellites, space probes, robots.

Discussion Questions

  1. What would you take with you on a trip to space?

  2. How do astronauts eat and sleep in space?

  3. What do you think it feels like to float in space?


This answer key and discussion guide helps teachers facilitate learning, encourage critical thinking, and inspire curiosity about the universe. Happy exploring!


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